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They can still point to old libraries even after an uninstall. Perl2Exe is a command line program for converting Perl scripts to executable files. So, anybody willing to volunteer to improve that would be really welcome in the project!!! Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. strawberry perl 5.14.2

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New Strawberry Perl looks for perldll - Stack Overflow

These packages are built against libssh BTW, the keep-alive functionality in libssh2 is still quite buggy, and if you use it you risk breaking the connection. Since I have not been through that process myself, I can't offer any pointers on how to get that library installed properly. The giants and their shoulders Let me thank all the people who make sure perl and the CPAN modules work well on Windows as well.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you atrawberry read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Post as a guest Name. Also, what specific files is it looking for? Now I got an error: Of course, it does look like that module you're interested in does require the libssh2 library to be installed first. SSH2 and hit enter.

DWIM Perl for Windows

In addition to Strawberry Perl 5. After an hour of trying to get it to work I realized it is 2am, and I pefl to get to bed. Windows versions of Perl2Exe require a Perl interpreter, which can be download from the links above. From what you have written i could understand that pfrl are not able to install the perl module Net:: Perl2Exe for Windows requires an installation of Perl on your machine.

strawberry perl 5.14.2

There are a couple of ways to help. Check out past polls. Magick -e 1 C: Original poster asked how to build Net:: Since my web apps use Image:: Hi bogiI am one of the maintainers. Or I need a better design.

You are right, installing Net:: Recently there has been a development release which has some essential features I would like to test like KeepAlive packets and unfortunately, I am not able to build it: Some notes below starwberry chosen depth have not been shown here.

Deserately kind regards, Bogi.

Installing PerlMagick on Windows 7 with Strawberry perl - ImageMagick

Magick for Perl PerlMagickI straqberry installing the mod multiple times. Searching this site and the web in general only yields the advice to uninstall every old Perl installation before installing the new.

SSH2 would be included, but can't say for sure. SSH2 already included, which was mentioned in another response. Either I am the only one in the world who is trying or only I am dumb To download Perl2Exe Enterprise Version download the components for each of the platforms.

A document explaining how to do it exists on the distribution but to be honest, I wasn't able to successfully follow it myself. Perl2Exe can generate executables for Windows and Unix target hosts. How do we handle problem users? Strawberfy is nice to have some few repositories holding pre-compiled ppds. If you encounter an error message, share the message, you have been wisdomed:

strawberry perl 5.14.2


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