You are commenting using your Facebook account. Man is wired by evolution to seek for the place where he was born. But like any Ilonggo, I know that she also one would want to go back to that beautiful city one day. The first time I heard the song, it made me cry because it brought back memories of my chldhood back in the farm where I was born and grew up. It has this life and love that only an Ilonggo can let you feel. Email Address never made public.
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I was surprised because she could memorize the lyrics and sang it with almost perfect accent. You are commenting using your Facebook account. You are commenting using your WordPress. Even though my parents were both in Iloilo, and I spent four years as a student and a year as an instructor in the University of the Philippines Visayas in Miagao, my accent when I speak the local language is still heavily Cebuano.
It has this warmth that a bowl of hot La Paz batchoy can give meaning to.
Iloilo ang Banwa ko (mom, b.) | Grex
By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Skip to content I first heard my mother singing this song to my little sister as a lullaby. I love its rocky shores and how the breeze blowing from its seas burned me and bestowed on me my brown skin.
For me then, it sounded so sad, so melancholic. It has made me aware that a big world out there is awaiting for a young man like me; nevertheless, it also made me realize that the bigger challenge to conquer is how to allow dreamers like me, young students, make their own yearnings possible.

It has this life and love that only an Ilonggo can let you feel. Post was not sent - check your email anh Skyline of Iloilo City.
Ilo-Ilo Ang Banwa Ko (Traditional Folk Song) Lyrics
Museo Iloilo that houses artifacts and contemporary arts by Ilonggo artists. A walk along Calle Real will bring you back to the late Spanish era when sugar barons built impressive houses matched with intricate facades and imposing columns.
Iloilo shaped me as individual. I love Iloilo…more power, my schoolmate!!
Ocean Breeze: ILOILO ANG BANWA KO Song Lyrics and English Translation
Ilonggo ako nga tunay nga nagapuyo sa higad sang baybay Manami magkiay-kiay sa tagipusuon bug-os nga kalipay The other person I heard singing this song was a Japanese student from Tokyo University. I have not anymore heard my mother sing that song for quite a long time.
The same is true for me or for anyone who traces his root in that small patch of land in the heart of the Philippines. A very very nice vintage song it reminds me of my childhood days.
Belfry of Jaro Cathedral Man is wired by evolution to seek for the place where he was born. Iloilo ang Banwa ko ginahingadlan Matam-is nga pulong ang akon gin mat-an Dili ko ikaw bulagan banwa kong nahamut-an Ikaw ang gintuna-an sang kalipayan Chorus: To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: After all her zng, five of us, left for Iloilo to get our college degrees, and our youngest sister whom we plan to have her high school also in Iloilo, she stopped singing the song.
It was in one of its sleepy towns, in Miagao, where a big chunk of my intellectual growth took place. She was taking up Philippine Studies with concentration on Hiligaynon and the culture of Iloilo. This site uses cookies.

Jeepneys along Calle Real. Language has its limitation.
Iloilo ang banwa ko
The other person I heard singing this song was a Japanese student from Tokyo University. Not that is has economically ipoilo, it has remained loyal to its identity.
I learned to love its hot and humid atmosphere and even basked under its unforgiving sun. This narrow strip of land boasts seven big universities that rival other good universities in the country.
The Philippines as a failed state? And indeed she was.
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